October 11, 2013

Sea Turtle Season Winding Down

While there are still nests hatching on the Islands, sea turtle season is nearly complete for 2013. All of Captiva's nests have hatched and we are waiting on the remaining seven nests on Sanibel. To date, there have been 479 nests laid on the Islands and 369 of those have hatched. The final totals will be available in a couple weeks after the final nests have hatched.

One of the many reasons turtle patrol is worthwhile- the sunrises!

SCCF turtle volunteer excavating a green turtle nest.

Green turtle hatchlings found during a nest excavation.

Green turtle hatchling track headed to the Gulf.

1 comment:

  1. During this last month of Sea Turtle Season we, Sealife by Congress, are featuring Sea Turtles and working to raise awareness on social media and our blog. Check it out Here at Sealife by Congress we are so excited about the hatchlings! This month we are featuring sea turtles and raising awareness. Check out our blog this month! http://sealifebycongress.com/category/blog/
